from the disposable culture to the care culture. point #9 of "LE NEW CONSUMER" manifesto: “If you died tomorrow, what room full of stuff with your name on it would you like to leave behind?”
"The question is no longer what we can produce. The question is: what will we choose to preserve?" So powerful and so right. I've heard from many people working in consulting who believe that the arts are going to make a big comeback and I, for one, am here for it.
from the disposable culture to the care culture. point #9 of "LE NEW CONSUMER" manifesto: “If you died tomorrow, what room full of stuff with your name on it would you like to leave behind?”
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"The question is no longer what we can produce. The question is: what will we choose to preserve?" So powerful and so right. I've heard from many people working in consulting who believe that the arts are going to make a big comeback and I, for one, am here for it.